#17 -The Chrystal Cabin
From the book written in 1998....
This site belonged to the Simson's and was rented to a succession of people; among them was Mr. Blair who was Calvert Simson's father-in-law, the McWhinney family, the Pantons, and the Carters.
When Buccaneer Bay Holdings
Company was formed, the site
was divided into three lots.
The present Davidson Cabin
is on the most easterly of the
three. Annables and Bernards
occupy the other two. The site
was originally bought by Art
and Mary Jones and then by
Bill and Gordon Davidson.
In 1974, Tricia and Mark
Davidson acquired the lot and
built the little cabin Woodpile
out of beach combed and
hand hewn wood. A cozy
place; Calm lived here year
round for his first two years.
In 1988, the Big House was
started. Over 10 years and
with the occasional helping
hands, the last window was finally put in.
The cabin is unique in many ways. The front porch has a tree growing through it that one year was the site of a hummingbird's nest. Walking by, one can still see woodpile through the breeze way that stretches front to back dividng the two sides of the house. This Big House is enjoyed year round by Mark, Calm, Elizabeth and Joseph.