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#34 -The Road House Carmichael Cabin

From the book written in 1998.... 

The Road House as it was known, was built by Calvert Simson(father of Joe and Bob) some 70 plus years ago.


The first occupants were two widows- Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Bodwell. They occupied the the cottage for several years then Mrs. Ross moved to Water Bay and Mrs. Bodwell built the cottage presently occupied by the Mather family.


After the ladies left, Bob and Verna Simson took over the cottage for several years. When they left, the cottage was rented by a series of individuals- a Dentist, name unknown, a Mr. Roy Hemphill and in 1960 the Carmichael Family took up residency.


In 1964 the Buccaneer Bay Association was formed and as the renter, Joe Simson gave me first refusal to purchase the cottage. I did so and it has been in the family ever since. I  trust my grandchildren and great-grandchildren may have the years of pleasure and joy that I have had in the road house.


Bruce Carmichael

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