#3 - The Duyker Cabin

From the book written in 1998....
When one reaches the age of 23, they are accepted as adults. When one has been married 23 years one is almost deified for such great accomplishment. 23 years as a Buccaneer Bay shareholder leaves you as the neophyte on the beach in its 100 year history. Yet for the Duykers its been twenty three years of relationships, events and circumstances. Some joyous, some sad, some positive and some negative, but all part of a rich tapestry of experience that is a key component of our life as a family as Buccaneer is the place where we congregate, refuel, rebuild and enjoy each other.
So how did these interlopes become part of this community. In 1975, Barb Smith purchased her site at the Bay. She was the hostess supreme and when Cathy Brooks needed to get away from her home renovations, Barb invited her to Buccaneer.
It was the year that Ralph Bagshaw was wishing to dispose of his share and it reached the open market because of the "atrocious price of $55,000". Cathy came home and told her friends the Duykers about her find. The Duykers were eager and willing to be ownership partners. The rest is history until the spring of 1997 when the Brooks wanted to sell. The Duyker clan could not conceive of parting with this heavenly retreat and broke open the piggy banks to consolidate ownership.
So as our young adults are stirring up the water and emotions of the Bay with their incessant water activities, the senior Duykers are putting their stamp on Site #3. Arbors, perennial gardens and other enchantments are the result. Stay tuned, some day a Duyker will have been here for 100 years.